7 common WordPress problems

7 common WordPress problems and how to solve them

WordPress is the most widely used open source CMS in Switzerland for creating websites of all sizes and complexity, from simple showcases to the most advanced e-commerce sites. However, many users sometimes experience technical or performance problems with their site under WordPress. We are going to talk about 7 common WordPress problems and how to solve them.

Contact us to troubleshoot your website

Here are 5 crucial reasons why outsourcing your worries to experts is the best solution:

  1. Our web agency is fully conversant with WordPress and all its technical workings. It has all the expertise in-house (developers, integrators, SEOs) to accurately diagnose any problems encountered and provide THE right long-term solution.
  2. We'll save you precious time. Solving complex bugs or security holes yourself can take days or even weeks of fruitless research when you don't know all the ins and outs. Our experienced agency will fix this for you in just a few hours.
  3. Our agency gives you peace of mind by taking full responsibility for resolving any problems in a completely transparent way. You no longer have to worry about obscure technical details, so you can focus on your business with peace of mind.
  4. We have the right tools and methodologies to make a reliable diagnosis. Whether it's a performance, security, accessibility or code audit, we use the right software to inspect your site from every angle.
  5. You benefit from the latest knowledge of WordPress best practices. Our team is constantly learning about the latest recommendations so that we can offer you cutting-edge solutions.

In short, for all these reasons, don't take the risk of accumulating delays and frustrations by tinkering with your WordPress site with your limited resources. Instead, outsource your problems to experienced specialists! We'll save you an incredible amount of time. Don't hesitate to contact us to discuss the details!

In this article, we will review the 7 common WordPress problems in Switzerland, as well as expert solutions to resolve them.

1. My WordPress site is slow

One of the most common problems encountered by Swiss webmasters is that their WordPress site is too slow, both in terms of page load times and user experience.

Why is my site slow?

Several factors may explain these slowdowns:

  • too many greedy plugins activated
  • heavy traffic
  • undersized shared hosting
  • images too heavy

How can I speed up WordPress?

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to optimise this:

  • switch to dedicated hosting
  • installation of a server cache
  • image compression
  • use of a quality CDN

Contact our expert WordPress web agency for a performance audit of your site! 7 common WordPress problems facing Swiss companies.

2. My site is being hacked and injected

Another recurring problem with Swiss WordPress websites is security flaws, which result in intrusions and injections of malicious code.

The main causes

This is generally due to :

  • unpatched vulnerabilities in obsolete plugins
  • brute force passwords
  • non-compliance with good practice
  • cheap, insecure web or server hosting

How do I secure my WP?

There are several steps you can take to strengthen your site:

  • regular WP updates, plugins and themes
  • installation of a Web Application Firewall
  • code verification
  • frequent back-ups (included in our hosting plan)

We can carry out a security audit and guide you towards a secure 100% site. Get a free quote!

3. My WordPress is very slow on mobile

Another frequent source of frustration is the slowness with which pages open when viewed from a smartphone.

The main reasons?

This is generally due to :

Solutions to speed up

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to optimise this:

  • switch to adaptive responsive
  • use of compressed images
  • browser cache activation

Contact us now for mobile optimisation of your WordPress site!

7 common WordPress problems and how to solve them

7 common WordPress problems

4. Google can't crawl my WordPress site

Another very common problem is that of a WordPress site where some or all of the pages cannot be indexed by Google due to technical obstacles. One of the most serious 7 common WordPress problems.

Typical obstacles

  • robots.txt rules blocking access
  • budget crawl problem
  • dynamic page structure
  • hidden content in AJAX or JavaScript

Solutions in brief

There are several ways of rectifying all this:

  • correction of robots.txt rules
  • technical optimisation for AMP or CSS loading
  • adding static content
  • budget crawl control

Need help indexing your entire WordPress site? Request a free quote for an SEO audit!

5. Plugin compatibility problems

Plugins are one of the strengths of WordPress, but also a potential weakness if you overuse extensions, which can sometimes conflict with each other. Here are some explanations.

There are several reasons why compatibility problems between WordPress plugins can occur:

  1. Coding conflicts Two plugins that modify the same basic WordPress file (such as functions.php) may conflict and generate errors.
  2. Functional interference Plugins with similar functionality, such as two SEO or security plugins, can interfere with each other's operations.
  3. Limited resources Too many plugins on a limited server can lead to slowdowns, crashes and memory overruns.
  4. Incorrect programming Some plugins are coded without sufficient regard for the structure and best practices of WordPress.
  5. Lack of maintenance : Plugins that are not regularly updated may become incompatible with more recent versions of WordPress.
  6. Conflicts of information With the database, for example if two plugins record information in incompatible ways.
  7. Unresolved dependencies When a plugin requires a certain version of another that is not present.

It is therefore essential to choose your plugins carefully, keep them up to date and test compatibility by deactivating/reactivating them.

6. Updates that break the site

Another recurring problem for WordPress webmasters is the mandatory updates that occasionally end up crashing all or part of the site if you don't have a good grasp of the core system. Sometimes a WordPress update, whether for the CMS or the plugins/themes, breaks certain elements of a website. Here are some common explanations:

  1. Incompatibilities with the theme Major updates to WordPress often introduce code changes that can generate conflicts with an older theme.
  2. Dependencies not met A plugin update sometimes requires a minimum version of PHP or WordPress that is not present.
  3. Disappearance of functions After an update, some options are no longer supported and disappear, causing errors.
  4. New requirements For example, the database structure or server rights also need to be updated.
  5. Residual bugs Despite testing, bugs may still remain in a new version.
  6. Lost files In rare cases, the update may overwrite or delete important files.

It is therefore essential to always test WordPress updates on a staging site before applying them in production. It's also advisable to keep up-to-date backups beforehand so that you can go back to the drawing board in the event of a problem.

7. Hacking admin accounts

Administrator accounts are therefore the preferred target of hackers, due to password flaws or other negligence.

There are several methods used by hackers to compromise a WordPress admin account:

  1. Brute force attack The attacker automatically tries thousands of common passwords until a valid one is found.
  2. Phishing WordPress: sending fake emails impersonating WordPress to steal your login details. These emails often contain malicious links or attachments.
  3. Plugin vulnerabilities WordPress: exploitation of vulnerabilities in non-updated WordPress plugins to inject malicious code enabling you to retrieve your credentials or take administrative control.
  4. Search for vulnerable URLs WordPress: attackers scan WordPress sites for accessible login or password reset pages in an attempt to hack into the account.
  5. SQL Injections Injection of malicious SQL queries to bypass permissions and retrieve your passwords in plain text from the database.
  6. How can I secure my super admin account on WordPress?

How can I secure my WordPress admin account effectively?

To protect yourself, it's essential to use strong, unique passwords, always keep WordPress and extensions up to date and avoid clicking on dubious links asking for your login details.


As we have just seen with these 7 common WordPress problemsTechnical problems are common with WordPress, but there are always solutions to correct them. Don't hesitate to call on our web agency, which has been a WordPress expert for 10 years, to help you. From secure hosting toSEO optimisation we'll keep your site worry-free!

Contact us for a free quote.

7 common WordPress problems in Switzerland